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How to Setup Your Coldtub
First of all, congratulations! Being the owner of a coldtub is something to be proud of. Also welcome to the family.
- Your Coldtub will arrive in a wooden crate. You will want to have some type of dolly or a few strong bodies available to move the unit from where it is unloaded to where you plan to install it.
- Once near the installation location you will want to have a power drill and square head (Robertson) #2 Bit available to take the crate apart.
- Plug your tub into standard 110v outlet. Once tub is full and plugged in - Turn your jets on high via your control panel (Hit Once for Low, Twice for High). Turning the jets on helps mix the Dead Sea Salt and other solutions better. Also pour in all solutions near filter skimmer to increase circulation as well.
- Once the tub is at your desired location, fill tub with water from garden hose, attach fill filter to end of hose for easiest setup! Fill water to line on filter skimmer or till 3/4 of the skimmer is underwater.


- Find empty bucket or use starter kit bucket and fill with warm water.
- Find amount of Dead Sea Salt needed for your Coldtub model here
Icepod 460 grams = 1 Pound
Icepod PLUS 766 grams = 1.69 Lbs.
POLARPOOL 1.22 Kg = 2.70 Lbs.
Icebox 1.99 Kg. = 4.39 Lbs. ( 1 Pail = 4.4 Lbs.)
Polarplunge™ 3.48 Kg = 7.69 Lbs.
Iceberg 11.94 Kg = 26.32 Lbs
275 grams = 1 Cup
2 cups
2.5 cups
4.5 cups
7.2 cups
1 Whole Dead Sea Salt Bucket

1.7 Dead Sea Salt Buckets

Dead Sea Salt Measurement Chart
The amount of Dead Sea Salt needed depends on the model

- Take water test strip and dip into water for 15-30 seconds. Take out, let dry for 10-20 seconds and look at readings.
- The first thing we want to look at/balance is the Alkalinity. 120-150 ppm is where you want to be. If the Alkalinity is off check charts on pages 6-8 on owners manual to see how much Cold Water Balance to add (depending on model) to balance Alkalinity. *TA= Total Alkalinity. Turn on jets, add measured amount needed and wait 1 hour to test water again.

cold water balance
= increase alkalinity
- Next we are going to look at the PH. You want to be reading 7.2-7.6. If the PH is off check charts on pages 6-8 on owners manual to see how much Cold Water Run Down(PH decreaser) or Cold Water Jump(PH increaser) to add (depending on model) to balance PH. Turn on jets, add measured amount needed and wait 1 hour to test water again. *PH Decreaser also decreases TA ensure TA is in the desired range 120-150 before decreasing pH.*

cold water Run down
= Decrease pH

cold water jump
= increase pH

- Locate the probe and see if there is a cap screwed on to it. If so locate plastic grate in kit, unscrew cap and screw the grate on.

- Should look like this once you screw grate on.
- Follow the directions here to log your tub into the wifi and our network
- You are now good to go!
- Coldtub Pal can now take over and will be testing/balancing the water chemistry every 2 minutes.
- We will be to monitor and watch for errors as well as long as you are logged into Wifi and the Network.
- Leave us a review at
Can Monitor and Control through Coldtub App(in app store) or at
HAppy coldtub-ing!
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